The Kortunov Global Affairs Debates 2021: Day 2

The Kortunov Global Affairs Debates are a project initiated by the Center for the Support and Development of Public Initiatives Creative Diplomacy (PICREADI). It is conducted in the format of a rhetorical competition that deals with Russian foreign policy and international relations. The annual Debates are held every December in memory of Dr. Sergei V. Kortunov, a Russian political scientist and the author of many publications on national security and identity.

Гражданские проекты 16+

The next series of Debates will take place in the fall of 2021 and will
include participants not only from the United States and Russia but also from
other countries.

In 2021, the Debates will take place in the format of discussions on three
topics among experts from The Fletcher School, RIAC, and other institutions.


In each debate, two sides, each consisting of two speakers, will argue
alternative yes/no positions on the question at hand. 

The second discussion will begin on September 28 at 18:00 (Moscow time, GMT+3). The topic of the meeting: "Should rising economic inequality around the world be blamed for the rise of populism?".

Our honored speakers include:

Katrina Burgess — Associate Professor of Political Economy, Director, Henry J. Leir Institute

Igor Istomin - PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Applied International Analysis, MGIMO University

Pavel Kanevsky - PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Sociology of Political Processes, MSU

David Art — PhD, Professor of Political Economy, Tufts University

Egor Spirin - Trainee at the Center for Advanced American Studies (CAAS), MGIMO University


1254 дня назад
28 сентября 2021 18:00–20:00

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